In May of 2019, we went on an adventure looking for haunted locations throughout Toledo, Ohio. One of the locations on the list was the Maumee Bay Brewing Company which is an active craft beer brewery and restaurant. So, we decided to stop in at this location for lunch. So glad we did, the food was awesome.

This building has been in the database for some time now, and Shawn has always wanted to go and visit the location. Taking advantage of the ability to actually stop in and have lunch was actually on Shawn's bucket list since he has read about some of the paranormal activity within the building for years. It is also rumored that this location was actually built on a formal Native American burial ground (not researched and confirmed), which if you have seen the movie Poltergeist, you know would be a bad idea if you don't want "spirits" (the non-drinking type) roaming around.
Most bloggers (or vloggers) will take a photograph of their meal when they visit restaurants. Well, we actually just started to remember to do that, and sometimes forget, but let us just tell you, the food was awesome! Shawn has his typical cheeseburger, but it did not last long enough to make the picture.

This building is also connected to The Oliver House that also has a rich and paranormal history. In our database (, we have these locations listed as the same building. So, for Our Haunted Travels, we are calling this one location. Later Midwest Parafests were actually in the Oliver House instead of the Toledo Yacht Club, but we did not have a chance to attend those. May we will some time in the future. We have also received some comments that there are ghost tours and walks that include these locations as part of their tour. Again, more information for our bucket list.
We created a video about the haunted locations that we visited while we were in Toledo. More information about this location is contained within that video. You can check that out here.
We really did enjoy our experience at this location and if we make it back to Toledo again on a paranormal adventure, we will definitely head over to the brewery to get some great food.