In November of 2019, we participated in the Hotel Conneaut Psychic fair again and ran the ghost hunt on Saturday evening. This event is so well organized and put together we just highly recommend anyone who is into the paranormal to attend.

There are several paranormal related activities going on during these psychic fairs. You can have a personal reading, attend lectures, shop with the various vendors, attend a murder/mystery dinner, take tours of the hotel, and even spend the night out on a paranormal investigation with us as we even go into some "behind-the-scenes" locations throughout the building.

For a highlight of our weekend, check out the following video.
We have been to Hotel Conneaut several times now, and have participated in the fair three times so far, and each time we go back we just enjoy the experience. These events are normally held in the spring (April) and in the fall (November), and you can even book a room and stay at the hotel all weekend... we do. Hotel Conneaut is located at 12241 Lake St, Conneaut Lake, PA 16316.
During the event, we had a booth setup that allows people to come over and find out more about "Our Haunted Travels". Sometimes we bring our collection with us of the pieces that we have collected from some of the haunted locations we have visited, and this time we focused on our free ESP testing that Marianne conducted during the event. At the end of the test, the guest will get a signed certified copy of the test from us telling them if they have some of these special powers.
On Saturday night from 10-2, guests had the opportunity to come out with us for a paranormal investigation throughout some of the areas of the building. We have videos out on our channel about previous investigations we have conducted, and will be producing a special investigation video for our patreon supporters from this event. One of the "new" areas we had this time was to go down into the boiler room to do a little investigating.

On the second day of the event, I had the chance to interview a couple of the guests who stayed there all weekend and asked them some questions about the event. You can see that interview in the video above.

Please let us know down in the comments if you attended the event this fall, or would like to attend one in the future.