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In Search of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

In November of 2019, we traveled once again to Chicago, Illinois. While we were there, one of the places we wanted to find and visit was the location of the former S.M.C. Cartage Company, which was the location of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

When we headed out for the day, we first headed out to the Chicago History Museum and spent some time there walking around at the museum. I asked one of the docents about the former location of the S.M.C. Cartage Company and he confirmed the address that we had for it, plus told me about the video they produced about the location. You can see that in this post below. After leaving the museum, we decided we would head out to find the location and then have some lunch across the street at one of the pizza places. With this as a our plan, we did not eat at the museum, and opened up our trusty Uber Application on the phone to get our ride. The St. Valentines Day Massacre Location is located at 2122 N. Clark St. Chicago , IL.

Once we arrived and got out of the car, across the street from the location, our suspicions were confirmed. All that is left is a parking lot. I was aware of this since the location has been in the database for some time now, but I would of thought there would of been some kind of marker or something marking the location. We crossed the street and headed a little bit North until we came to an iron fence. Looking around, we were trying to confirm the address of the location by reviewing the address markers on the adjacent buildings. Just then, a tour bus came by, it was a Gangsters of Chicago tour bus. That kind of confirmed it, this was the spot. In our video below you will see us on location.

If you look at our photos below, we estimate that the wall where the bodies where found are about where that burgundy car is sitting facing North (to the right) of the photograph. The SMC Cartage building would of taken up the entire left side of this parking lot all the way back to the alley behind it. Again, not much more there now but the parking lot, but this is an interesting historical location.

We decided to create one of our "Behind the Haunting" live streams about the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre that went into the historical details leading up to the event. You can find that video (which is a little longer) below, but we guarantee you will learn more information about the event then you already did before watching the video.

Marianne also produced a recipe video related to the location. You can see that video here below, or find out more information about the recipe on the separate blog post we created about the Pizza Pot Pies.

We took things a little further with our Patreon supporters and produced a video discussing the "Curse of the Brick Wall", and what happened to it after the garage was torn down. You can always check out that video on our Patreon page by becoming a Patreon supporter.

The video below was produced by the Chicago History Museum as part of the Chicago00 program and is very interesting. It takes the current locations and lays historical photographs over top of the places so you can see what the places looked like back during the time period when it happened.

We had a lot of fun with this adventure and producing this series of videos. The feedback that we have received through comments on the videos, as well as, other social media has been phenomenal, but we want to hear from you. Please leave us a comment below if you have heard about this location or have visited the site yourself. We would love to hear about your experiences.

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PANICd Paranormal Videos
PANICd Paranormal Videos
Jul 21, 2022

This was an awesome place to actually track down and visit. Most of the locals didn't even know it was there and what had happened in the past.


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