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Jefferson Jr. High School - Toledo, Ohio

On May 12, 2019 we traveled to Toledo, Ohio for a paranormal conference. While we were there, we wanted to lookup some of the reported haunted locations throughout the town and one place that made the list was the Jefferson Jr. High School.

As most of you know, we work for a public school district. Why would we want to go and visit a school during one of our trips you may ask? Well, this one happens to be haunted. Of course we needed to stop by and take a look for ourselves.

The school is located at: 5530 Whitmer Dr. Toledo , OH 43613

According to Wikipedia, The building was built in 1924 and was the original Whitmer High School. The school was named for John Wallace Whitmer, an educator who helped organize high school classes for the area. It is the only high school in the Washington Local School District in Lucas County, Ohio, serving the northwest section of Toledo up to the Michigan state line. In 1960 a new high school was building, and this building was then renamed to the Jefferson Jr. High School.

This is one of the locations that we stopped by when we were on our trip to Toledo for a paranormal conference. Before we left for the trip, we did a little research to find some haunted locations around were we would be while and town, and this location made the list.

One of the claims for this location is that people often hear the bell ringing in the bell tower. The problem is, the bell was removed from the school many years ago.

We created a video about the different locations we stopped at talking about the paranormal activity at the locations. When you watch the section about this location, there is also a testimony from someone who was at the conference that gave us a bit more information about this location. You may see this video on other posts as well.

This was a fun stop for us. Actually visiting a haunted school building that is still opened and active. School was closed on the day we visited, so we didn't go inside.

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