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Spirit Likes to Read

In May of 2019, we traveled to Toledo, Ohio for a paranormal conference. On that trip, we went in search of other locations that have reported paranormal claims. The West Branch of the Toledo Library is one of those locations.

The building is beautifully designed. It looks like a little cottage and is very welcoming in appeal. If there are spirits still roaming within the building, we can see why they would want to hang out here and get caught up on some reading. The West Toledo Branch of the Toledo Public Library opened in its present building in 1930. In 2001 the branch remodeled and expanded. This library is such a beloved community center that the entire neighborhood is called Library Village

It was simple to find this location since it is a public library. The library is located at: 1320 W Sylvania Ave Toledo , OH 43612

When we were researching paranormal related locations in Toledo, Ohio, we found the following information on the Ohio Exploration Society website that had some paranormal claims documented for this location. Based on this information, this location made our list.

West Toledo Branch Library – Mysterious noises and bumps are heard in the area near the fireplace on the west wall. A ghostly man wearing clothing from the late 1930s to early 1940s has been seen there as well.

Due to having limited time (since we wanted to find 5 other locations), we did not go inside the library to take a look around, but we did take some photographs (and video) around the exterior of the building.

We put together the following video to document our adventure through the streets of Toledo. This location is mentioned in this video.

If we ever get the opportunity we would love to investigation this location. Sitting there among the collection of books conducting an EVP or spirit box section in the dark would be an awesome experience, especially if we had the reported spirit who roams there communicate with us. If anyone knows anything more about this location, please let us know.


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