One of the skills that Marianne brings to our team his her knowledge of forensic photography. She actually teaches classes on how to take photographs to document an area or crime scene.

We published a video that talks about how you can incorporate this in your paranormal research.
Forensic photography, also referred to as crime scene photography, is an activity that records the initial appearance of the crime scene and physical evidence, in order to provide a permanent record for the courts. Crime scene photography differs from other variations of photography because crime scene photographers usually have a very specific purpose for capturing each image.

In this video, Marianne will go over some forensic photography basics and show you how she takes photographs as if a locations was an actual scene that needed to be documented through photography. This video will serve as a how to take forensic photography pictures video.
We apply these principals of forensic photography basics when we are on location at various historical locations that have paranormal claims. We also use paranormal investigation photography principals on locations as well which Marianne will discuss in the video.
Let us know down in the comments if you found this video useful for you as you either travel to historical places or you are a paranormal researcher.